Open UAV Project, electronically, shares information about unmanned fixed wing airplane with everyone interested in improving their knowledge or constructing one for themselves.
The information to be shared includes blueprints, (know-how about) materials, building tips and best practices.
The main airframe construction files are published under CC0 terms.
We have sucessfully built and maidened Version 1.0 of the airframe. We are looking for partners for refining the craft further.
Open UAV project goal is a gasoline powered fixed wing pusher aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 25kg.
Different designs for components allow maximum versatility.
Design goal is to have maximally interchangeable components between different design versions. Designs should be a life size LEGO set where operators can reconfigure and swap out and choose components most suitable for the current mission.
Modularity also helps to contain engineering challenges from echoing from one part to all the components of the aircraft.
We believe it is not aerodynamics and expensive materials that makes airplanes fly.
It is the obsession with flight and perseverance to make it happen.
General design principles:
Aviation is the branch of engineering that is least forgiving of mistakes.
Freeman Dyson
I think it is a pity to lose the romantic side of flying and simply to accept it as a common means of transport...
Amy Johnson
Aviation is proof that given, the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible.
Eddie Rickenbacker